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The Knighthood

The Knighthood: –acta non verba

The Knighthood was once a noble club run by knights, for knights, where one would debate tactics and settle disputes by duel. It was exclusive as one needed to be knighted and honourable…

Ah, the good old days, right? Today, the Knighthood still uses that very same name, but they are no longer those of honour. The Knighthood caters to the most brutal and vicious, allowing them to hone their skills. Leave your wand at the door and wrap your fists in bandages for here the weak are culled from the strong. Tactics, warfare, and combat are still the main topics, but here we do not talk. No. Here, we act.
Do you have what it takes? Can you walk the talk? One way to find out…

The Knighthood club is an exclusive group. Students can sign-up but have to be worthy to join.



A ‘noble’ student who is appointed Head-Knight



A helmet with colourful feathers.



Iron & amber