Indoles Vlog: Spells and Their Movements
Learn about wand movements and when to use them . Click title to watch the clip....
How to cast a spell?
Learns about casting spells, protecting and reacting to "getting hit". Click title to watch the clip....
Welcome to SMU: clans & paths
A short introduction of the University, clans and the paths. Click title to read more and watch the clip....
Indoles Vlog: SMU magic types
There are 5 major types of magic at SMU. Watch the clip to see which and how to use. Click title to read more....
What is the difference between a npc and a player?
What is the difference between a player, non-player character, monster, teacher,...
Consent at SMU
We will utilise a few distinct codewords & hand signals to show certain OG-emotions or actions while trying to stay IG. Watch the clip to see which and how to use. Click title to read more....