Player Characters (PC), Non Player Characters (NPC), Teachers (Dedicated Player Characters, DPC) & Monsters.
There are Player Characters: at SMU these are the students.
Non Player Characters or NPC: these are special players who help players out, give information, send players on quests, they often don’t have personal development as they’re just temporarily present. For example a merchant, a messenger, a visitor, …
Teachers = Dedicated Player Characters or DPC: these are a special kind of NPC as they’re playing just one character, they do the same thing as a NPC: creating play, giving information,… but they also might have personal development as they grow with the players and often have a deep background. At SMU most of the teachers are DPCs.
Monster: these are another special type of NPC. They’re there to give players a run for their money. They often aren’t there to talk to, however you might afterall, it’s just not their main task.