Sacrificed Time
Statera Mundi University 2024 Edition
Another year where students and faculty come to our school grounds. Some arrived with hope in their eyes, some sought out their old companions. But then there were a few who clutched their letter a little tighter. They were warrily looking around, they knew something was off.
Nevermind their paranoia. The schoolyear started as usual. Sorting, classes, and exams all commenced and the students partook with either eagerness or apprehension.
But then a loud crack echoed through the castle’s walls. Something had broken… Something was trying to break free… Panicked, the teachers tried their best to keep it together. Between the broken ring and the cultist, both students and faculty had their hands full with keeping the school standing.
Following the realisation something was comming, preperations were made. Some students tried to speak with the Spirits, others tried to reason with the cultist. In the end, they still came with their army, ready to murder any living soul on the grounds.
Together, with all their powers combined and some infernal intervention, they defeated the Order and saved the timeline and school. The second years were allowed to graduate, the cup was given to a new clan, and all was well.
But they shall never forget what their victory cost…